Measure Guide
Step 1: The Floor Plan
Your floor plan can be a simple rough drawing of your space. Remember that only accuracy counts, not talent! The example below is only an example. The floor plan will be a critical element throughout your design process and will detail all of the existing walls, doors, windows, and obstructions. Your floor plan does not need to be to scale; it just needs to be neat and clear. Feel free to start with a rough draft and use a pencil for easy changes.
Step 2: Measuring Your Space
Begin by measuring the total room wall-to-wall, corner to corner. Again, make sure to record all measurements in inches.
• Measure full length of each wall, beginning in the left corner. Measure the wall in segments and then number each wall for easy reference, example wall #1. Start in the corner and measure to the outside edge of the first opening, such as a door or window.
• Next to each wall, write the name of the adjacent room. Also label walls exterior or interior.
• Provide the measurements from the point on the wall that is nearest the opening to the point that the window or door way opening begins, and then provide the dimension between all openings.
• Beginning at the top left of your drawing, number openings, windows and doors in a clockwise order.
• Indicate which way the door swings like this:
Step 3: Openings, Windows & Doorways
• When measuring doors and windows remember that the trim or casing is considered part of the door or window.
• Beginning at the top left of your drawing, number openings, windows and doors in clockwise order. See floor plan example.
• Measure all openings from outside trim edge to outside trim edge and include wall space measurements above and below wall
openings. (Record on charts below)
• Be sure to inform your designer if you are keeping or providing new molding or trim casing.
Step 4: Obstructions
• Draw boxes in your floor plan to show the location of any obstructions such as radiators, chimney chases, vents, pipes, exposed plumbing, etc. that you either cannot move, or do not want moved.
• Measure from the point on the wall that is nearest the obstruction to the point on the obstruction nearest the wall. Label the object so we will know what it is: i.e. “radiator”, “pipe”, etc.
Step 5: Ceiling Height & Construction
• Overall ceiling height is determined by the lowest point in the ceiling combined with the highest point of the floor. Sometimes, especially with older homes, it is a good idea to take measurements in a few different areas of the kitchen. Ceiling heights, even in the same room, can vary. Take three separate ceiling height measurements and use the lowest one
• If you currently have soffits above your cabinets, make sure to measure the height and depth in several areas and make note on the floor plan if you plan to keep them.
Construction details
Other Considerations
If you are not changing the configuration of your kitchen and just replacing the cabinets you may want to think about the existing backsplash height of your countertop, countertop thickness, depth of existing cabinets and current flooring material. New cabinets, countertops and flooring can be different than your present kitchen.
Step 6: Utilities & Mechanicals
• Precise locations of your sink (water lines), stove/oven/range (gas or electrical), electrical outlets, light switch plates, and heat and air conditioning vents/registers need to be located and recorded on your floor plan. This tells us where the utilities come into the space.
• Utilities & mechanicals are measured from the nearest corner or edge of a wall to the center point of the utility or mechanical. Also indicate the height above the floor or below the ceiling, whichever is closer.
• Using a symbol from our examples provided, indicate location of each utility or mechanical. Also indicate the height above the floor or below the ceiling, whichever is closer.
• Using a symbol from our examples provided, indicate location of each utility or mechanical.
• To avoid too much confusion on one plan, you may wish to do a separate drawing for this purpose.
Existing HVAC vents/registers/radiator
Step 7: Appliance
Whether you are buying new appliances or using your existing, knowing the dimensions for each appliance will help with the overall accuracy of the design process. Dishwashers & ranges tend to have standard sizes but refrigerators, microwaves, vent hoods, and wall mount ovens vary greatly. Width, depth and height will need to be provided to your designer. Whenever possible, please provide brand and model information that contains appliance dimensions, this will be especially helpful for your installer.
Step 8: Lighting
Make sure to communicate to your designer if you will be changing or adding lighting. You may need to provide all light placements during the design process. Other considerations are additional switch plates, electrical outlets – including GFI outlets.